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Here are some of the things that ARCC Center has been doing to keep clients and staff safe...


  • Strict hand washing protocols- Staff are instructed to wash their hands as soon as they enter a client’s home and as they are leaving and parents are instructed to remind staff of this as well as having soap and paper towels available at all times.


  • Automatic Health Screening prior to each session. Each staff member is required to go through our Health Screening before they have the ability to clock in for each session. If they answer “yes” to any questions from the Health Screening our office will automatically be notified and they will be asked to contact our office immediately.


  • ARCC Center has taken the extra precaution of cancelling sessions if any staff or family member has been around someone that is waiting on a Covid-19 test result. We believe that this extra step has helped us to have extremely low numbers compared to other agencies.


  • ARCC Center has been coordinating and running PPE drop offs with families and staff throughout the Covid-19 health crisis and will continue to do so until it is no longer necessary.


  • If a staff member arrives at a home and suspects that someone in the home is ill, they are instructed to leave right away and our office will coordinate with the family to decide when it is safe for services to resume.


  • ARCC Center families and staff have been instrumental in helping with these policies and they have all stayed in close contact with us and have been phenomenal at notifying our office right away if they have possibly been exposed or if anyone in their home is ill. We greatly appreciate this as we are all working together on this!


ARCC Center has been praised by the Health Department several times for going above and beyond in our fight to keep all staff and clients healthy and safe during this time.

If a Respite Worker or client starts to develop symptoms 2-4 days (2 is County, 4 is Government) after a session and winds up testing positive for COVID-19, we will put all sessions on hold for 10 days for any individuals that may have been exposed 2-4 days before the symptoms started.

For individuals that tested positive for COVID-19 (Respite Worker, client, or anyone in their household), their sessions will be on hold for 14 days. 10 days is the new recommendation from The CDC, but 14 days is still recommended for Government employees. So out of extreme precaution, ARCC Center has made the decision to stick with the 14 day recommendation for those that have tested positive.

ARCC Center is partnering with SDRC and now all ARCC Center clients, respite workers, and all of their family members/associates have access to rapid COVID-19 testing.


Please contact our office with any questions or concerns. We understand that each family has their own unique circumstances and needs and we want to work with you during this time to help keep your family safe and healthy! 






DDS data regarding positive cases and deaths for California DDS clients (individuals with developmental disabilities using Regional Center services in California) as of November 13th 2020.

"Health & Safety: Based on DDS data as of November 13, 2020, DDS has reported a total of

3,600 (1%) positive cases out of a total of 355,298 consumers within the DDS system, and a
total of 177 (0.05%) reported lives lost. When looking at these COVID numbers in comparison
with other vulnerable populations served by Health and Human Services (HHS), it is evident that
the IDD service community has responded quickly and responsibly to mitigate spread, reduce
risk for those served, and ultimately save lives."



Here are some links on Covid-19


Plain Language Booklet on Coronavirus – created by the Self Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center

Información de COVID-19 Por y Para Personas con Discapacidades

Important Things to Know About COVID-19 – created by the Lurie Institute for Disability Policy

Coronavirus: What Is It and What Can I Do? – created by The Arc Maryland

Coronavirus Prevention Flyer – created by the New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project



(619) 488-6002

5173 Waring Rd #114
San Diego, CA 92120
San Diego Regional Center Vendor ID # HQ0826

Inland Regional Center Vendor ID # HQ0826

San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center Vendor ID # HQ0826

Regional Center of Orange County Vendor ID # HM1483

Alta California Regional Center - Paid Internship Program (PIP) Vendor ID # PA2154

ARCC Center Foundation is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization.

Our Tax ID is 45-5003748.

©2021 by ARCC Center Foundation. Proudly created with

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